TNAS is an easy, accurate and low-cost
training needs assessment

Benefits of TNAS

Benefits to Employees
- Ensures right people get the right training
- Establishes relevance of training for employees
- Fosters a healthy coaching and mentoring culture
- Increases staff motivation and satisfaction

Benefits to HR and Training Managers
- Helps in identifying skills and performance gaps
- Addresses these gaps with appropriate training
- Determines what kind of training is required.
- Increases effectiveness of training programmes

Benefits to Organisations
- Increases productivity and optimises resources
- Helps manage training budgets effectively
- Produces high quality management information
- Maintains training and development records
Features of TNAS

What, Why and Who
TNAS answers What training is needed and Why, and Who needs it?

Use TNAS for individuals or groups with or without manager or employees assessment.

TNAS can be customised according to your own required skills or training needs areas.

Occupational and Individual Needs
Supports both Occupational assessment and Individual assessment.

Skills Library
Over 700 skills classified into 50 categories, allow you to customise and build your exact skill sets.

Skills Gap
TNAS identifies skills gap based on skill importance and current employees performance levels.

Built-in Intelligence
TNAS built-in Intelligence calculates training priorities using “Priority Index” parameter.

Detailed Report
TNAS generates a detailed report with current skill levels analysis and proposed training plan.

Three Types of Reports
Reports for employees, reports for managers and reports for HR Admin

Learning Dimension
Reports include learning and education sections to educate the employees.

Personal Development Plan
TNAS helps employees to create their action plan based on needs.
Great Features
Training Needs Assessment system (TNAS)
Training Needs Assessment is an essential requirement to the design of effective training.
TNAS helps you determine whether there is a gap between what is required for effective performance and the present level of performance.
It indicates if there is a major performance gap that should be addressed immediately.
Start assessing your training
needs now
Training Needs Assessment system (TNAS)
TNAS provides a realistic basis upon which to plan, program, budget, direct and evaluate a viable training program.
It is efficient and easy way to assist HR professionals in the needed assessment.
It helps users target their training to improve performance, empower individuals in the organisation to own their development activities, catch up to the needs of job roles and build new process expertise faster.