Making Training Needs Assessment
Fast, Easy, Accurate and Low-cost

Appropriate training can only be developed if the training needs assessment is identified carefully
At the core of any effective training program is correctly identifying what needs to be trained.
Poorly conducted needs analyses can lead to training solutions that train the wrong competencies, the wrong people, and use the wrong learning methods.
TNA is an essential requirement to the design of effective training
A needs assessment is the process of identifying performance requirements and the “gap” between what performance is required and what presently exists.
The main purpose of the TNA is to identify the gap between current performance and required performance.

Many organisations fail to acknowledge the importance of the TNA step in their training interventions
They spend money on training without proper analysis of how such training could help their strategic needs.
- Skipping over TNA causes over 90% training program failure rate.
- TNA is an essential requirement for effective training.
- Traditional TNA was difficult, time consuming and costly.
Optimal training decisions require employers to have accurate information about their workers’ training needs. That is to identify accurately the levels of the gap between the present status and desired status which can be translated into a training need

What is Training Needs
Assessment System (TNAS)

TNAS is a web-based tool designed to allow organisations, department groups, and individuals to assess their knowledge and skills and identifying what training is required and what specific areas they need training in

TNAS is an easy, accurate and low-cost Training Needs Assessment system which allows you to:
- Train the right employees, with the right programme
- Prioritise training needs with the highest business impact
- Minimise the Scrap Learning.
- Achieve a greater return on training investment

TNAS can address particular skill areas and can be customised to focus on specific user groups and topics, thus growing your organisational capabilities and helping you compete more effectively.